Friday, January 15, 2010

SMS Bagan Datoh, Perak

i woke up at 5 am this morning and straight away pergi dapur cari mama,
she seems to understand and she said "pergila check mana tau result da keluar,"
then i was smiling at her and heading to the computer terus tekan suis and buka web .


type in Angka Giliran

then click the Semakan button

Alhamdulillah =)


*baby, i love you so much.i won't say that word anymore.*

Thursday, January 14, 2010


mata pedih, badan panas, hidung berdarah, muntah-muntah, pening kepala.

tia demam, kesian dia =)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

hey i'm me =)

my mum is so OVER protective nowadays.
she's just too much, i have grown up and please stop treating me like i'm a 5 years old girl.
i'm getting annoyed, i just wanna go out from this house and be free.yeahh =.=
i'm so pissed at one of my classmates. i ask her to send my Editorial Board application form to Melor but how on earth my name is not listed to the interview and her name is there. FUCK. huh
gila lah, i should have send it myself. urghhh
i really want to join Ed Board this year and that's the only chance i have but hmmph. babi lah kau. i won't trust you anymore !
still waiting for the Boarding School result.
waiting and waiting. Hello Ministry of Education i'm WAITING ! cepat lah keluarkan result, tak lena tidur tahu takkkk ! haha
the cutest guy in form 4 is in my class ! hehe

*i miss you so badly*

Saturday, January 9, 2010


i want you to be honest to me,
i don't want to control you but when i saw you chatting with you ex or your WHAT-SO-CALLED friends, it make me feel uncomfortable, worried, and jealous. LOL
yes i'm jealous! woohooo
eh she's in you top friends laaaa. wow ! cool weh :D

Sekolah Berasrama Penuh?

i really wish i could get into boarding school !
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia please don't destroy my hope :(
i don't really mind which school i would be placed as long as i get the offer to continue my studies at the Asrama Penuh school.
i want to get out from my current school.
i don't think i could perform well in my SPM if i still studying there.
i hate the environment, i hate the students, i hate the teachers well not all. some of them.
oh god, please. i really want this, i want to be in Sekolah Berasrama Penuh. pleaseeeeeeeeee?
this is the only thing i want in my whole life. yeke? haha
result will be out maybe on 15th January 2010. Kalau ada rezeki ada lah, insyAllah :)

*what is he doing right now? hm

new blog, new life

hello =)
i've deleted my old blog a few days ago but now i created a new one. haha silly me.
i just need blog to express my feelings.
no one could understand what i feel.
i need you, my baby blog to be my listener. will you? i know you will ;)
so, please please don't complain if you don't like what i'm going to write after this because this is my blog, this is my listener. i dont' ask you to read my blog okay?